Samiyyah Andrewin <>Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 4:22 AMTo:
Dear Members of the Belize Referendum Commission,
I am thanking you in advance for better equipping me to participate in the upcoming decision making process through your clarifications on my few remaining questions:
1. What is Guatemala’s official position as to how much of the territory being claimed? How can we know determine if the rewards will outweigh the risks if the risks haven’t been clearly or at least officially specified?
2. How was the budget for the ICJ education campaign in Belize derived and mechanisms are in place to supervise the use of funds?
3. What will be the content of Guatemala’s message in its half of the education campaign and what are some of the ways it might affect the on the ground relations between the people of our two countries? What might be the result of 40 million dollars being spent on ‘educating’ Guatemalans of the strength of Guatemala’s claim to Belize?
4. Detail the actions we should expect the Guatemalan government to take to reduce border incursions should the ICJ decide in our favor?
5. Was ‘Legal Consideration’ (something of value given by both parties to a contract that induces them to enter into the agreement to exchange mutual performances) not required in this case? If no, why? If yes, what? Specifically, an ICJ ruling (should Belize decide to go in that direction) would be upwards of 5 years for away, have our representatives received assurances from their Guatemalan counterparts that they would enforce some sort of moratorium on Guatemalans crossing the adjacency zone during the waiting period if both parties vote yes?
6. If this is a matter of essentially deciding the maritime access, why does it require 9 million dollars and a court decision? Don’t we already provide Guatemala access to the Caribbean? Does Guatemala want more access than we currently provide? How much more?
7. What if instead of an education campaign educating Belizeans on the legal strength of territorial integrity, which 99.999% of Belizeans had always taken for granted, Belize launched a campaign to sensitize Guatemalans to the fact while a decision in Guatemala’s favour would have zero impact on the life of the average Guatemalan, it could be potentially devastating to their neighbours in Belize? We’ve focused our diplomacy on appeasing the radicals of the political class, what if we tried appealing to the humanity of the wider Guatemalan populace?
8. Even if Guatemala officially accepts an ICJ decision in Belize’s favour, as long as Guatemalans along the border remain poor and as long as Belize’s side of the adjacency zone remains under occupied, the damaging border incursions will continue. Beyond the ICJ, what is Belize long term national strategy for managing the border region?