Poem by Abdul Marin Nunez

God Complex King Dean dah no Mandela He has no vision from this nation He only concern is winning another election His limited perception is from election to election He’s not trying to build the nation He’s continuing Ralphonomics Barrowing monies and spending it While the country is not seeing any tangible benefits King Dean […]

NTUCB Press Release re BSI/ASR Attempt to Contravene Sugar Industry Act

NTUCB sounds the alarm that “ASR/BSI CANNOT BE TRUSTED AS THEY KEEP MOVING THE GOAL POST!” The release refers to an attempt by ASR/BSI to replace the legally established Sugar Industry Control Board with their own newly created ‘Harvesting and Delivery Control Unit’, thus changing the already concessionary terms of the previously settled agreement, both without consulting with farmers, and in contravention of the law.
The NTUCB laments that these illegal attempts at control of the industry and disenfranchisement of the farmers is compounded by the seeming complicity of the government and its political directorate.

ROC re Start of Sugar Cane Delivery Season 2014

ROC asserts that the Sugar Industry Control Board need not and should not delay the start of the season until there is a signed agreement between ASR/BSI and BSCFA. ROC calls on the board to consult with ASR/BSI and BSFA and to proceed to set the date for the start of grinding. ROC asserts that it will maintain its vigilance in ensuring that the sugar cane farmers of Belize do not become reduced to mere laborers working the sugar cane fields for foreign entities

Profit Over People: Crisis in Belize’s Sugar Cane Industry

This is the same thing in the 70s that happen to the Jamaicans
It happened to the Guatemalan and Nicaragua
Once the sugar industries fall into foreign hands
We will affect our ability to buy services
Their tentacles will eventually affect all our industries

The Gladden Plan: “800 MILES TO PROSPERITY”

The Gladden Plan proposes: The development of a Dry Canal or Overland Trade Link between the Atlantic and Pacific Seaboard via Belize and Guatemala as a viable alternative to the Panama Canal.

Request for Dialogue on Land Reform [PM]

Please, allow representatives of BGYEA and its social partners an audience with you this coming Tuesday to deliver and discuss the attached ‘National Land Reform Collaboration Agreement’.

Second Request for Public Discourse on Ongoing Land Transaction Issues

2nd invitation to Mr. Gaspar Vega and agents of the lands department to participate in discourse on distribution of Belize’s national land. Whether the department acknowledges it or not, there continues to be frustrated public discourse on the system of land distribution in Belize. Excerpts have been shared via email & in this post.

Unboxed Support for the MLA

I would like to propose a joint project that could address the urgent immediate needs of our two communities, namely more liquid finance (ie cash) for yours and less violence in mine. Hopefully you and I (and others) will be coming together to explore this idea in the near present.

Belize Marijuana Legalization Plan

The plan is to launch Belize’s marijuana industry such that it can bring investment dollars to Belize but remain 100% in the hands of the Belizean people and its profits in their pockets as well as have greatest possible positive impact on tourism and other industries.