Maggie Sheng is no stranger to Belize’s blood bank. She’s been a donor for years and in 2011 personally translated the donor forms to Chinese to make them less intimidating for potential Chinese donors.

Maggie knows, as we all know, that when a loved one is sick, the last thing we want to be doing is running around begging for donations of any kind, let alone of blood.

This is why, in late August 2012, when she got a call from a former high school classmate, whose 10 year old son was hospitalized in urgent need of a blood transfusion, she did not hesitate to help.

She assured her friend that she would not only supply the first bag from her own arm, but would also find donors required for the remainder required.

Maggie called everyone she knew. In the end she was able to secure the two additional bags from two friends whom she discovered were also regular blood donors.

She’s full of the power to make a difference and you are too.  Help Maggie help Belize. Hit the ‘Like’ button, or text BLOOD to 662 2981 to let Maggie know you’re one of the people she can call on if anyone else is ever desperately in need of this free but life saving substance.

And let’s hope that, God forbid,  if someone you care about becomes ill, Maggie will have enough volunteers that you’ll have one less thing to worry about.