I am about…

Less I be mis-construded as anti- administration
Let me make it clear I am about the people’s position
I am about self- determination, not partisan
You can call me a Marcus Garvey man

FiWeBelize 33rd Independence

I wanted to wait for the festivities to simmer down before I put my thoughts out to my fellow Belizeans. I do not know how you will receive my speech or how it will be criticized, but these are my heartfelt convictions. I heard some of the speeches and for the most part heard a lot […]

Are Belizeans Ready to Walk the Walk?

“Democracy in Belize, at the level of discourse, is encouraging. Organizationally, the democracy is not at the level the discourse is. In other words, there are more individuals and organizations who talk the talk than walk the walk. But, there is more talking and more walking than there have ever been. These are good signs, we submit. The people of Belize are becoming involved. “- Amandala Editorial

The Real Story Behind Harmonyville

Listen & Decide: Should YOU stand up? Nigel Petillo and David Barnett of the Belize Grassroots Youth Empowerment Association (BGYEA) speak on Harmonyville and their concerns about land distribution in Belize. Will you have anything to say on Tuesday 26th March 2013?

Marijuana Should NOT Be Decriminalized in Belize, It Should Be LEGALIZED

Decriminalization will NOT Stop Belize’s Marijuana Problems. Marginalized youths will continue to be marginalized. Families will continue to be broken as members of poor households continue to be incarcerated for illegally selling cannabis to middle and upper class consumers. There will continue to be violent trafficking of a plant that could be distributed as peacefully as corn were we to simply to LEGALIZE IT.