Unite Belize Report

Unite Belize is an initiative developed by a group of street leaders, aimed at developing construction related projects that improve the lives of the people and their communities.

Minister Louis Farrakhan’s 1st Visit to Belize

In Jan of 1986 Honorable Min Louis Farrakhan visited the nation of Belize as a part of his Caribbean tour. Upon his arrival he visited the ancient Mayan temple and paid respect to the indigenous people of the region. The issues the Minister address in 1986 has become more urgent and relevant in Belize in 2011. Today 85% of Belizean arable land is now in the hands of foreign ownership. Meanwhile the country has since descended into urban and fratricidal violence among the youth population.

They’ve been termed the ‘undesirables’ of our community. If you’re not Participate in a number of character, skill, and revenue building trials. Giving our young men a chance to prove to the world and more importantly themselves that they are, in fact, DESIRABLE!

Data Gathering

Questionnaires are commonly used as a part of market research to collect data that is specific and crucial to the success of a business venture. Unboxed hopes to use the data it collects for the success of a nation. Questionnaires are still very much the cornerstone for market research and the effectiveness of the questions […]